Who knew?


I did,  because…




Did you know…

The phrase “hands down”  (as in “He won that game hands down.”)  was first used in the 19th century to describe a horse racing victory? It signified the jockey was so far ahead he could drop the reins and relax his arms.



Well, not quite.


Did you know….

Bruno Mars played an Elvis impersonator as a child in the 1992 film Honeymoon in Vegas?

It’s true.






Did you know….

Mosquito repellants do not repel, they hide.

The spray blocks a mosquito’s sensors so they don’t even know you’re there.




Did you know…

During WWII, America tried to train bats to drop bombs.

Silly Americans, what were we thinking?

Bats won’t even play fetch.




Did you know….

The Roman emperor Caligula made his horse a Senator.

Maybe we should try this….

It can’t be any worse.





Did you know…

The Bible has been translated into Klingon?



Well, you do now.

29 thoughts on “Who knew?”

  1. Of these pressing questions I knew that the Bible had been translated into Klingon. The rest of your questions resulted in answers I did not know. I feel better informed for having read this post. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

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