Products I think I have to buy.


For blog fodder research purposes if nothing else.



I’m guessing they meant to say bad mood, but either way …. a screaming goat seems like the perfect companion to ride out the rest of this abominable year.



A book of delightful goat facts? Perfect.



Screaming goat placement is everything.

And hey, when you already have a flying poop drone…. a screaming goat doesn’t even raise eyebrows.



The other product I might have to buy?



A carbonated bubbling face mask?



Show of hands…. how many people want to see that selfie?


31 thoughts on “Products I think I have to buy.”

  1. My dad loves goats and noisy anything. I’d put it on his Christmas list but I’m afraid it’ll find its way back to me via the kids. 😖

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