This bitch has got to go.


Every Sunday night I kick the husband off the big tv in the living room and stay up late binge watching a bunch of recorded series. I don’t watch a lot of television, but I am addicted to a few HBO, Starz and Showtime programs that my other half hates.

So Monday is the one morning I sleep past 5:00am… and I relish my extra 2 hours. But this Monday morning? I was woken by a noise.

Scratching. And banging. Then more scratching.

I grumbled, I stumbled, I got out of bed and I found this….



The red squirrel bitch from Hell. She had scaled the bush alongside the house and was scrambling up and down the screen, over and over. And then?



She just hung there.

Taunting me.



That bitch has got to go.


32 thoughts on “This bitch has got to go.”

  1. Squirrel cage traps on the roof are effective. We did that and never had a problem with a squirrel climbing the screens again. Don’t know where the little joker ended up, but I was happy to pay a guy to set the traps then take the troublemaker away.

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  2. I would probably shoot it, but if you want to be more humane, a squirrel trap is under $30. Some of the birdseed she is stealing mashed into some peanut butter smeared on the ‘trigger’ plate should entice her … then take the trap over to a vegans house that is some miles away and turn the rodent loose ….

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    1. I love our grey squirrels, of which we have few. They’re fat, cute, happy and go about their merry way peacefully. This little red bitch has burrowed into our cellar, nested in our eaves and attic, chewed through our barn walls as well as our wood shed walls, and given birth to a passel of progeny in our gutter. I’m no longer a fan.

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