Random winter clutter


In Maine, in the winter…. the shrubbery arms itself.



Come at me with that hedge trimmer now bitch. I dare you.



Cow on a plow. Take that you flakey little green troll.



Lord Dudley Mountcatten enjoys the morning sun shining through my filthy windows and likes to relax on the back of the sofa.

He’s so relaxed that sometimes he falls sound asleep and lands on the sill.



And tries to pretend is was on purpose.



Nice try Dudley, but I know better. I heard the plop.

Next up, Maine wisdom from The Flatlanda in Fairfield.



And speaking of winter, we’ve had a decided lack of snow this season. Mere inches that melts shortly after it falls. In previous years March looked like this:



That’s my husband walking the road in front of our house.

This year, we have green soggy grass. No climate change my *ss.


17 thoughts on “Random winter clutter”

  1. Cow on a plow. Take that you flakey little green troll.
    Shaggy in a baggy. (rut ro)
    Jake in a Lake (drools)
    Whore in a drawer.
    Trooper on a pooper (think star wars)
    Duck in a truck
    a lass in the grass

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Lord Dudley is so cute….thinking he could just have a cat fail and not think you’d notice, lol. Cow on a Plow sounds like a children’s book to me. Since its snows so much up there in Maine, you haven’t found a goat on a slope?
    I’m with Brian, we need some of those signs here in Texas. Like one that says’……”Speed Up A-Hole It’s called the Passing Lane!” Or “Just Cause Your Going The Speed Limit Doesn’t Make It Right” you know something like that…lmao.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mud season came early here in Toronto. It’s so warm today I ditched my winter coat despite there still being snow on the ground in places. Apparently tomorrow it’s going to be 5° warmer (15 Celsius). Might have to dig my shorts out of the back of the closet haha. But don’t be fooled, in Toronto we get snow sometimes right into late April.

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