Will the real bot please stand up…


*Title is an archaic reference to a classic game show. Kudos if you know which one.*



Oh, be quiet.

The point of this blog? WordPress followers. I know most of you probably don’t pay attention to your list, but I do and conduct daily removals of all businesses and bots. I don’t need car insurance, yoga pants, a kale soufflé recipe or a 5 step program to be a better me. This me is as good a me as I’m ever going to get. Someday someone will explain to me why so many of these people/machines feel the need to follow me over and over again.



Dairy products? Perhaps she/it wants to hug a cow…

Furniture? Clearly someone/thing enjoyed my leather chair shopping saga.



Same face, three different names and sites. Zap. Zap. Zap.



And back she/it comes. No matter how many times I delete…



The next day they’re back.



So here’s my question.

What are they getting out of this? And why can’t they take the hint?



Nice try with the alcohol Paula. At least you’re getting to know me better.


25 thoughts on “Will the real bot please stand up…”

  1. Most bloggers have a list of followers in their sidebar. It’s a popular widget. By default, new followers are at the top of that list. So, they follow you, and you give them some advertising.

    I changed that widget on my blog to show frequent commenters.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Don’t know the why of this, but I do all I can to not allow the insincere to comment on my blog. As for following my blog, I could care less. Those numbers mean nothing to me.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Exactly… while talking with family members can be a nightmare. Not to mention I get some lovely spam comments, very encouraging


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