Random tidbits


Read the following listing carefully.



Possibilities of seasonal views. Which means – From your heavily wooded lot, in the dead of winter when all the trees are bare, if you stand on the edge of your bathroom sink and crane your neck to the north? You might see a tiny section of ice covered pond water.

Technically they’re not lying, but still.



Lord Dudley Mountcatten loves his toys. He loves them so much he shreds an average of one a week.



It’s a veritable catnip mouse slaughterhouse around here.



That sums it up nicely.



Do I need that?

Now that you mention it… I might.



This sounds like the perfect summer cocktail.



28 thoughts on “Random tidbits”

  1. Seasonal views? Means just that – you’ll see snow/ice covered trees in the winter, budding leaves in the spring, surrounded by greenery in the summer, and autumn colors in the fall. All four seasons!
    What bothers me is the discrimination against the blind man who may be interested in buying.

    What I want to know, is it land locked? What are the access rights? What is the asking price?
    Obviously I’m asking for a friend that is interested in a vacation home. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What is it with the plastic? My one cat, Bonny, is terrible about plastic. If she finds a plastic shopping bag, she’ll sit there forever licking it. I’m like, “What is wrong with you, you weirdo?”

    Liked by 2 people

      1. We moved from NOrth Carolina to Maine because husband got a great job. When we first got here we rented for 6 months until we found our house. Real estate was off the charts then and there wasn’t much for sale. First move? 1,122 miles. Second move? 27.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Okay, you win, 1122 miles? No thank you, I’ve managed to move four times since my divorce for a total of 62 miles. Each time farther and farther west, or in this latest case, Northeast EP. But with a spectacular view of the mountains. If I ever move again I’ll probably wind up in New Mexico…😝

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