Cat-astrophic products.


I have a cat, therefor I am inundated with stupid cat product advertisements.

This week?



Cat capped aviators may look stupid, but at least they’re well read.



I am not yet at the time of life where I need to sit on a donut. And a smiling cat donut? I hope I’m never there…



For the love of all that’s holy, no. I can’t think of a more horrifying, undignified, soul sucking experience to force upon your feline than a taco costume.



Lord Dudley Mountcatten agrees…. and will shred any human who comes near him with that abomination.


25 thoughts on “Cat-astrophic products.”

  1. His feline posture (his little crossed paws) say “Don’t even try in human, I will not be amused.” He even has “the face” cats make when they are serious about humans and their amusement with the feline species.

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  2. I kind of like the aviator caps but don’t want to even sit on a cat-shaped cushion, and both Lord Dudley and the cat in the costume have perfect expressions. His says, “Don’t even try it,” and the cat wearing the costume is clearly thinking, “I will get you for this.”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We bought pet onsies for when we had our girl cats fixed. That was fun trying to get them into them. And keep them on them. I can’t imagine doing that just for fun.

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