The last of the chucks.


The woodchucks have left the building.



After momma chuck and her spring brood of voracious garden nibblers cut a swath of destruction through my flower gardens this spring….



And fattened up quickly at our all you can eat buffet this summer….



They have now moved on to where ever the hell it is woodchucks go in the fall.



And all I’m left with is empty flower pots and leftover photos to sort through.


18 thoughts on “The last of the chucks.”

  1. Chucks often have winter boroughs away from summer boroughs, but not always. They would probably be along the tree line at the edges of your property as they like to have a glade nearby, but put their nests among tree roots where they can forage in midwinter if necessary, and it is harder for predators to dig them out when they are under roots ..

    Liked by 1 person

  2. They are like some relations who come and stay for an unknown period, eat all of your favourite foods and leave when it suits them.

    Liked by 1 person

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