Pandemic humor


I don’t know about you, but I still need a laugh.



I think that’s where most of us are right now.



A night out has definitely changed over the last year and a half.



This is so true it isn’t funny.



Amen to that.



That’s been my go to phrase for quite a while. The news gets more depressing every day and the utter lack of respect, not to mention the down right hatred between Americans makes my heart hurt.



Too true.


25 thoughts on “Pandemic humor”

  1. Holy crap these got me to laughing out loud, and I am by myself right now! The cat one is me, except remove the laptop and throw in a 60″ Roku. Hey, that club sandwich has WAY too much ham and nowhere near enough Turkey and bacon. I heard the Yoko Ono album finally made it to “Tin” status: 50 copies sold worldwide.

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      1. I’ll see ifI can get my partner to agree to lay on the bed with all six of our cats. The problem is the only way to get all the cats on the bed at one time would be to throw their favourite Kitty Kandies (takes 3 varieties) on the bed, and who wants a picture of a human watching 6 gluttons pigging out? There would be no cuddling going on!

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      1. I bought him a scratch post, and refuses to use it, instead he uses my new couches 🤬. And somehow, he claws at night, because I can hear him and I have to wake up constantly to shoo him with the fly swatter. He’s being a pain right now and I don’t know why?

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      2. Lord Dudley scratched everything that stood still except the post. I had to lay it on its side and leave it there for a month before he’d even try it. But the water pistol worked wonders. Now he uses the post exclusively. (of course I did spray it with catnip oil in the beginning)

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  2. Thanks for sharing – made me smile and ponder. I used to watch the news everyday before the pandemic. But during, it became every hour until I realized how depressed Covid news made me feel. Local Nigerian news is far worse. These days I do the news every other day with the occasional breaking news when prompted by friends. Now I need to hit the club myself (and then the gym hopefully).

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