A gift suggestion from Dakota.


In case you’re wondering what to get that special someone for Christmas this year….



There you have it.



A tree shaped butt plug. It’s festive! And a perfect way to ram Christmas up your Scroogy friend’s ass.



Do people really make major butt plug investments?

I’m woefully out of touch.


31 thoughts on “A gift suggestion from Dakota.”

  1. I have never understood the purpose of butt play in the hetro community. Before the pill, girls sometimes used that orifice as a method of birth control, but I have always looked at that as a one-way street …

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Whoever thought this up is sick sick sick. Whoever uses it is even sicker. Sorry for judging, normally I don’t care what people do, but this is beyond the pail of poop that comes when you take the plug out.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Is Dakota a place or a person? I am confused….but that is probably after reading your post. It’s another one of those when I want to go and hide in a cave and pretend I don’t know that someone sat down and designed and marketed this. If they would like a more purposeful existence, the NHS need more staff, or volunteers. If they are particularly interested in derrières, we get to see all parts of the human body and sometimes have to insert objects into various orifices in the name of medical progress.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha! This chick is the daughter of Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith… and starred in those awful Fifty Shades of Grey movies. Which I’m guessing is where she became familiar with the joy of orifice plugs.
      But no worries, hiding in a cave is an appropriate response to many of my posts.

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  3. Well just how long a time will it be until they connect or combine these plugs with fitbits ? In this day and age everything has to be digitized. Oh wait is it too late to retract that comment ? ! ? !

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