To snow, or not to snow?


We finally got a few inches of white stuff on the ground and I figured it was time to make Lord Dudley Mountcatten walk the proverbial plank.



He was a bit hesitant…



But made a mad dash to the shallow patches beside the house.



When he hit the slightly deeper parts he looked back as if to say… wtf?



After which he plonked the Royal butt down and refused to move. A few minutes of chilly bird watching later, he called it quits and ran for the house.

I’m calling this progress.


23 thoughts on “To snow, or not to snow?”

  1. He will learn to love it. But he may also have to learn to dig his nose under the snow to find the mice he seems to enjoy. Meanwhile, unless I missed it, what price do you pay for Fancy Feast down there? I am curious yellow!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. His Lordship is a finicky eater. The larger cans are cheaper but he’ll only eat a third of it and I end up throwing the rest out. It seems like such a waste, I just buy the smaller cans.


      2. With six cats, almost everything gets eaten unless it is really bad! But between them, boy, do they eat a lot. 3 cans of Friskies and 1 to 1,5 big cans of Wellness or Performatrin a day adds up to $5 to $6 a day in wet food. Add in the dry food, the treats, and the kitty litter, I would say they cost us $10 a day. But we get priceless love, so it is all worth it.

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      3. This little bugger will only the most expensive litter. It was an absolute battle of wills when we first adopted him. I tried every damn brand I could find and he just did his stuff outside the box. When I tried the $20 a bag crystals? He loved it and hasn’t had an issue since. $40 a month in litter… but you’re right. It doesn’t matter one little bit.


      4. Perhaps Lord Dudley should meet our Smoky, except he might show Smoky the power of DÉTENTE. Smokey came to us as a 6 week old kitten, and immediately tried to covince
        us of his royal heritage–he was half Manx (with half a tail to prove it, lol.) He acted like a spoiled Prince would, but because he was just one of many he was not able to make the demands Lord Dudley obviously got away with. For him it was either eat what the other cats ate, or starve. He tried to starve, but his stomach demanded sustenance, lucky for us. As for the litter box, his rebellion was to never cover his poo. This one did not turn out so good for us because some of the other cats stopped covering their poo in retaliation. That left us breathing contaminated air, lol. And the beat goes on…

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      5. Fortunately most cats do not demand spoiling, they are just happy they areprovided for. It has been 30 years since I last had a single cat. They are much happier when there are at least 2, and happier still with 3 or more.Right now we have 3 girls and 3 boys. It is amazing how often we see them separated by gender, though the sister/brother spend time together too. Suppertime (ours, not theirs) is the time we get to see them mingle most, and sometimes at bedtime.

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      6. The husband decided after we lost our last cat two years ago there would be no more pets because we wanted to travel when he retired. I spent two horrible petless years… then Covid hit, he didn’t retire, we didn’t travel so I talked him into one cat. 😉


  2. I’m mostly impressed that you can get a leash on him . My cats won’t even put up with wearing a collar. Good on you for getting some snow. It was somewhere around seventy degrees yesterday and I had to open the window because it was too hot to sleep. Enjoy, I know I would.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If it’s winter, I want snow. We lived in NC for 18 years and I hated the brown season. As for the leash, I have a very simple flannel harness he just steps into … and when he sees it he knows he gets to go outside. Easy peasy!


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