Cold weather Walkies.


Lord Dudley Mountcatten has been missing his outdoor excursions, so my husband bundled up against the chill and took him for a stroll.



I still can’t get over how ridiculous it looks to “walk” a cat, but I refuse to lose another to the road… so the harness it is.



At first His Lordship was thrilled and happily pranced hither and fro.



But after a mere 4 minutes the wind chill had him shivering….



And (literally) high tailing it back to the house.



Where it’s warm..



And mice aren’t so hard to catch.


15 thoughts on “Cold weather Walkies.”

  1. Long ago, we started our kitten, LOKI, on a leash. He took to it right away, because we lived in a second floor walk-up, and he hated being inside all day. It did not take long before he stopped needing the leash. He went where we went, mostly. He regularly took “cat time” along our walks.
    Now that I am remembering him, I have to brag, for he was the smartest cat that ever shared his life with me. During a period of break-up he stayed with the ex, but regularly visited me after following me home one night., about 6 city blocks away. I was living on the 4th floor of a ten- storey apartment block. He rode up the elevator with me, and followed me to my door.
    After that one visit he visited regularly every second or third day. Exactly how he did it I do not know but he had to have used the elevator (with help from other tenants, of course) but he would get off at the right floor and either scratch on the door if I was home, or sit in the doorway and wait for me to come home.
    Then, when he wanted out, he would tell me. All I had to do was call the elevator, and push the button for the main floor. He took care of the rest. All this while I was living in a secured building, with locked doors all the time.
    NO ONE can tell me cats are not intelligent!

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