The piece of jewelry no woman wants.


Men? I’m going to give you a little free advice so listen carefully.

I believe I speak for all women when I say we don’t want this.

We don’t this for our birthdays. We don’t want this for our anniversaries. And we definitely don’t want this for Valentines Day.

Uh uh.


No way.



The fact that this abomination is listed as “low in stock” is proof positive men are basically clueless gift givers and will benefit enormously from reading my blog.

Please spread the word.



53 thoughts on “The piece of jewelry no woman wants.”

      1. In another comment I wrote today “Triaging mistakes have been made.” Speclchek gave me “Triage in mustards have been made.” Not even close, but funnier than hell–except the comment had no need of humour! It was about a serious subject–people dying in ER waiting rooms!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. What is this corn dog on a plate of which you speak? In the great creation myth in my head, GAWD got a bit peckish somewhere around the eighth day, at lunchtime, between creating oil and uranium. As his great belly gurgled and growled, the ground began to shake, the sky turned red and suddenly, as if by the will of some divine power, great fields of beautiful golden corndogs stood swaying in the breeze. Even GAWD was astonished. The delectable aroma filled his nostrils as he reached down to pick one. He held it up to look at it and smiled to see the beautiful stem, just perfect for a convenient handle. “Niiiice, go me! He said as he took a bite. “Not bad, it definitely needs to be deep fried, and I guess I had better get to work on that mustard creation project.”
        Riv, you know I’m awfully fond of you and I would hate to see anything bad happen because you ran afoul of some butthurt deity. My father-in-law ate pizza with a knife and fork and now he is dead. Spooky, right?


      1. Maybe, just maybe, if loving this funky junky piece of, well, junk is wrong, they don’t want to be right. Every devil needs an advocate, even the one that dreamed up this smelly little bauble.

        Liked by 1 person

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