Sad animal facts, the reboot.


When I bought this calendar I thought it would be rife with blog fodder, but sadly… it’s not sad enough and I’ve had to wait an entire month for a worthy example.



So after a long absence, I bring you the fly.



I’m sure Jeff Goldblum didn’t have this problem.



Next up is mice.



Eat twenty times a day and still keep my girlish figure? Where do I sign up..



22 thoughts on “Sad animal facts, the reboot.”

      1. I thought I had a pet turtle named Myrtle
        But Myrtle turned out to be a male tortoise.
        However, the ‘girlie’ was wearing a girdle,
        So my mistake obviously wasn’t on porpuse

        Liked by 1 person

  1. As a child I was given a white mouse for a pet. When the “boy mouse”had babies, I got a bigger cage, and then a huge cage. Suddenly mice started disappearing, a bunch at a time, but no one would tell me where they were disappearimg to. One day I caught one of my older brothers throwing them into a bag, and I demanded to know what he was doing. He was selling them to the university for experimentation. I wanted to experiment on him. These were my friends. Every one had a name, and I knew them all individually. I took the cage outside and let them go free. I wasn’t supporting no scientific experimentations!
    For awhile I saw them running around the area, and I heard adults bitching, but I didn’t care. Then they thinned out and disappeared. I never found out what happened from there. I have hated science and scientists ever since. How the hell could they expetiment on my little buddies. Had they no feelings for other living things?
    You can bet the only sciences I took in high school were physics and chemistry. To the best of my then knowledge they did not experiment on white mice. Now I’m not so sure about chemists anymore…

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, I read that. Poor Benji. But I learned how to tell the difference between boys and girls from raising white mice. No one had ever told me before. And then I learned how cruel people could be!

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      2. I was quite young… and for some reason decided it was a boy without even knowing you could check. But taking your pets for experimentation? So cruel.


      3. And he was getting paid for them. Using the money to buy cigarettes with. Yuck I hated the smell of tobacco. Still do. Especially after being a smoker for about 16 yesrs earlier in adulthood. Haven’t touched tobacco now for over 40 years. Gave it ip cold turkey, and NEVER went back.

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      4. I smoked when I was young for a short time. Then I met and married my husband ( in 6 days ) who is virulently anti smoking. I quit cold turkey decades ago and never went back.


      5. More similarities! I smoked 16 years and was heavily addicted. Then, one morning, I woke up, flushed a brand new carton of cigarettes down the toilet, and that was it. I found the right motivation for me, just like you.
        6 days? And you are still together. It took Gail and i 2 months to move in together. No legal ties. We are together because we want to be!

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      6. Yeah, the old-fashioned way of doing things. Though I was married once, marriage itself never interested me after an teenage romance was torn apart by parents who did not want THEIR daughter marrying someone not of their nationality. The ironic thing was, they were Ukrainian, and in Canada Ukies and Poles were a team, though not so much in Europe. My mother, who called herself German because where she was born was owned by Germany at the time, was geographically Polish, with a Ukrainian grandfather. But all the girl’s parents could see was Red, the indigenous part of me. They wanted no damn Red grandchildren. And so life goes…

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