Can I call a time out?


Being in my fifties and happily married for 38 years, I admit there are days when my normal beauty routine takes a back seat to comfort, convenience and a why bother attitude. My pedicure is in need of a touch up and no, it wouldn’t hurt to retire those comfy yoga pants that are wearing a bit thin in places.

Our house is a no judgement zone but clearly my news feed is not. They’re constantly bombarding me with ridiculous articles and ads pushing the idea that I’ll never be pretty, thin or young enough.



I have special conditioners for my hair, my face, my hands and my feet… for the love of God, I do not need one for my eyebrows.



I fear for this generation. I really do.



Did they really say mature women with a straight face? No one wants to see mature women in a pair of Daisy Dukes and a sleeveless top cut down to there. Don’t believe me? Go shopping at Wal Mart on a warm summer afternoon.



23 thoughts on “Can I call a time out?”

  1. It’s just as ridiculous as the Cosmo magazine you were gifted. I have comfy shorts, t-shirts and my assorted array of Nike or Puma sneakers. Ta-da….that’s what I call pandemic fashion….which is also everyday wear when one works rom home.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I try to walk a little circumspectly around the topic of older womens attire, but frankly, modest clothing enhances their maturity and attractiveness, and lacy revealing nothings makes them look a bit .. ah .. tasteless.

    Men aren’t immune … peg leg Levi’s, Speedo’s and muscle shirts have to go.

    Plus we can wear socks with sandals and the fashion Nazi’s leave us alone ..

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  3. That top – with my batwings and sun-damaged decolletage? I doubt it. As for the young, they have got it tough – just horrified to be natural and in constant competition with artificial images – fake eyelashes, boobs, butts, lips hair. Gawd, it never ends. They just may suicide once ageing starts – some things can’t be fixed.

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    1. Batwings and sleeveless tops are a definite no. While I’m not there yet, I have relegated tank tops to lawn mowing days only. It’s one thing to frighten the neighbors, another to inflict damage on the public at large.

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  4. Forever I’ll be in tshirts, flannel in winter, jeans, tennis shoes, hiking boots, …living in my RV truly “fit” me. I’ll be 52 in July, but my style hasn’t changed since I was 8. Lol.

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