I think I speak for all dogs..


Dogs of the world? Unite and bite your owners… at least the ones who invented and sell this nonsense.



And if you think that’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve seen today, hang on. It gets worse.



While the chihuahua dog umbrella might seem cute, let’s visualize the Great Dane sized version and move on.



I didn’t click on this oddity so I can’t relay any details. I get enough weirdo advertisements as it is, exploring canine penile wraps would take me down a dark tunnel I’d just as soon not visit.



31 thoughts on “I think I speak for all dogs..”

  1. Dog penile wraps? At least they aren’t making reusable ones. I don’t think dogs, or other companion animals, should be made to wear clothing. It’s degrading and undignified, except for Chihuahuas, French bulldogs and other hamster hybrid breeds. They have no dignity.


  2. Chasing money, nothing else. Anyone who buys any of these items needs to have their dog taken away from them, and have their heads examined at the same time. Last I checked, dogs come already waterproof, and male dogs need penile freedom. What happens when they want to mark their tertitory, or just leave messages for other dogs? These are beyond the pail.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. No way we could get our Pug into that yellow banana wrap without serious sedation, and he refuses to get his paws wet, so no use for the umbrella. As for the penis wrap? He is fixed. So we have three items that are a waste of perfectly good plastic.

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  4. Well…in spite of all the animal absurdity that floats around trying to be sold. As a feline owner…….umm, being owned by a feline we know cats are less likely to want to try these experiments in the ridiculous.

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      1. Oi! Tell me about it. I have to pill my cat twice a day. It takes two of us – one to hold him down and one to shove it down his throat. I’m not sure it worth it, but he is a lovely cat.

        Liked by 2 people

  5. These are all non-starters for me. The worst thing about the dog rain coat is, if you’re walking the dog, you’re still getting soaked (unless you are similarly wrapped-up.

    I had a dog, in Seattle of all places,that would not go out in the rain. I either took her out under an umbrella or she peed on the carpet next to the sliding glass doors. Our dog absolutely loves her winter coat. She likes to leave it on even after we return from our walks, but I think she likes the pressure,

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