News you can’t use.


Let’s hear for it the first responders. Those brave selfless people who help us when we’re in trouble.



And if ever someone was in trouble…

If you’re wondering how that happened, she was trying to retrieve her dropped cell phone.



If any of my readers are of the vampire persuasion? Please answer the call, and then blog about it. That’s pure gold.



From what I read Tucker believes America is a nation of emasculated men who are in dire need of butching up. The cure? Testicle tanning to increase testosterone production. Do you suppose there’s a special Coppertone lotion for that?



I think we all have dentist office horror stories, but this poor fellow wins hands down.



18 thoughts on “News you can’t use.”

  1. * Cellphone in outhouse bottom? Time to upgrade
    * Know a few soul sucking vampires, but so far haven’t met the blood sucking kind.
    * Four generations of Armors, and the sun has NEVER touched the testicles of any of us. And won’t. Pasty white huevos is a family hallmark …

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oh geez…..all this news only confirms that there are people that follow Fucker Carlson to the bottom of port-a-potty’s and ball sack tanning salons. Vampires are too classy to follow such a nitwit like Fucker Carlson into anything.

    Liked by 1 person

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