Our cat is weird.


Lord Dudley Mountcatten enjoys his outdoor time, though he’s still restricted to the leash. Our walking excursions usually consist of me standing and him sitting, but fresh air is fresh air and now that the weather is warming up he’s constantly howling to be taken into the great outdoors. Does he avidly explore his environs?




He face plants on the lawn and stays that way. His Lordship is an odd bird, what can I say?



Walking a cat can be challenging, predominately because they don’t actually want to walk.



They want to crawl under things and sit which leaves me with a plethora of butt shots.


15 thoughts on “Our cat is weird.”

  1. You just don’t have the right cat. My ex and I had a cat that loved to walk, without a leash. He would often join us on our walks through the neighbourhood. I am sure I must have told you before, but in case I haven’t, Loki was not content to just stay close to home. He would walk with us for a whole hour, exploring as he went, but never getting so caught up in anything that he would let us get out of sight. Yeah, he ended up a few trees if there was a loose dog around, but once the dog got bored he would just jump over its head and go back to walking. Far better than walking a dog.

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