News you can’t use. .. the critter edition.


Because the critters deserve equal time.



I don’t know about you, but I could name a few people whose relentless sex drive gets them in trouble as well.



Proof positive governments will tax anything and everything.



Permanent physical fusion”? Imagine if that had happened to you on that blind date back in the ‘90’s?

Oh, the horror.



A parasite that doesn’t grow a pair of balls until after he’s attached to you?

I think we’ve all dated that guy at one time or another.


24 thoughts on “News you can’t use. .. the critter edition.”

  1. (1) The MALES drop dead? Oh hell know, these creatures better get more Woke and create a diverse opportunity at fatality. (2) Will the New Zealand equivalent of the IRS audit cow pastures? Pretty sure the burps will be long gone and difficult to prove. (3) I guess they are serious about “mate for life”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. These are all just things that have evolved over the millions of years the life has existed on earth. The really amazing thing is that, just like humans, these “weird” traits and actions have survived. What would a male quoil think about human males not dropping dead after one breeding season? He would think we are totally unfathomable. The lucky guy doesn’t doesn’t have to live to see what jerks his children would become.
    I applaud nature for trying out all kinds of possibilities. Chances are, someday in the future they will get things right. Apparently Nature got crocodiles and cockroaches perfect, because they haven’t changed in millions ov yezrs — that we know of.

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  3. So, outside of the obvious – not having to hang around to bring up the little bleeders – what, exactly, is the evolutionary benefit of being semelparous? Mind you, it still beats being a cockroach…

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