Going out on a limb ….part 5.

I’m just going to keep putting these out here until I run out. If you’re reading them and seeing me differently, so be it. I’m finding it quite cathartic…. and as Bon Jovi says, It’s My Life.


Weird experience #5, another from my days in the hospice with my  late mother.


The Crash.

Added: Wednesday, July 9th 2014 at 5:25am by rivergirl

As I said before, I brought a lot of pictures to my mothers hospice room. I hung them on the walls, taped them to the nightstand and tucked them in the tv screen. I wanted to surround her with love and happy memories.

There were many of me and my husband, and our pets and special times we had shared with my mother….

The nurses and staff loved it. They told me it lets them meet their patients in a different way, which considering the never ending sadness they deal with… I thought was very touching.

Most of the pictures were mine, but there were 3 framed photographs that had hung on my mother’s walls for 50 years… so I brought them too.

Here they are:


Momma & her father


My mother and her father on Jones Beach.




My mother and father on their wedding day at the Stork Club.

And this one:


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A very old photo of my mother, in her 20’s, and her first love… Frank.

He was much older and very wealthy. He introduced a young, naive girl born to Austrian immigrant parents who lived in a cold water tenement flat…. to a world of art, culture and high society. They were together for many years, but never married. In 1957 he broke it off and introduced her to a junior partner in his firm….my father. They were married a year later.

I grew up knowing all about Frank. It was no secret she loved him and it in no way diminished the love she felt for my father. First love is first love. It never bothered me.

Now fast forward 50 odd years and her daughter is sitting alone with her in a hospice room waiting for the end. I cried. All day, all night, on and off for days.

During the first afternoon, I was sitting on the rock hard couch thinking about her life, my life and everything in between. I thought about my dad. About how much he loved her and what a good marriage they had.

And then I heard a crash.

The picture of my mom and Frank had fallen off the wall.  It fell face down on the floor and the glass was smashed to bits.

No one had slammed a door, no one had knocked the wall from the next room. There was no seismic shock or tremor that rattled the building. No airplane flew too low and shook the windows. It just crashed.While all the other pictures stayed right where they were.

Apparently while my mother loving Frank didn’t bother me….it clearly bothered my dad. And he told me so in no uncertain terms.

The photo stayed face down on a side table until I brought it home after she passed.

Call it coincidence if you want….

But I know better.


15 thoughts on “Going out on a limb ….part 5.”

  1. They say the universe moves in mysterious ways sometimes, don’t they. I tend to think everybody carries a few people with them throughout their lives – I know I do. You see the back of their head in crowds, and hear their voice in noisy rooms – and you may not have thought of them for months or years. They are always with you.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. While my grandma was still alive, she would call out, “Yoo-hoo” to get my parents’ attention if she needed someone.

    The final weird thing that happened was a week after she passed. I was in my bedroom when I heard grandmas voice call, “Yoo-hoo” from the hallway.

    I poked my head out and said, “Grandma?”

    But nothing else happened.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m seeing you differently after these posts. I’m seeing you BETTER. Thank you for sharing another great story! I bet your dad was getting ready for his impending reunion with your mom and didn’t need that interloper in the picture.

    Liked by 1 person

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