Drinking, with woodchucks.


It was a relatively cool evening…. and even though I won’t be comfortably perspiration free until the mercury drops and the snow falls…. the husband and I headed out to the Barn Mahal porch for an adult beverage.



I chose one of the local Wisconsin beers our neighbor brought back from her trip. And while the can was artfully decorated with birds in flight, the Central Waters brewing company’s mango wheat tasted nothing like mangoes and was a tad disappointing.



But the baby chuckers were on the move and we enjoyed their evening antics.



I believe there were five in this year’s litter…



Though it could be six because they’re everywhere you look.



With some of them head and shoulders above their siblings.





News you can’t use.


And if you can use it? I’m a little afraid..



Hope you’ve had breakfast already…



Sorry Kendall.

For the good of the general public, my girls will continue to be well restrained.



We once had a cat climb into our neighbor’s truck, but thankfully he only made it to the end of the cul de sac. Clearly Sox is a better traveler.



I have problem feet and though I didn’t hear word from on high, bought a pair of Birkenstocks… which are both ugly and uncomfortable.



Just in time for my husband to go back to work.



The FAA is having a hard enough time regulating drone flight… grandmas flying to Wal Mart is a headache they really don’t need.


Little bits of nothing important.


I haven’t had a chance to make these yet, but they sound perfect for summer…



The life of a Maine lobsterman is hard… and often lonely. As evidenced by this picture taken of my husband’s nephew.



I had to smile at this news item.



What do you want to bet that chuck wasn’t injured, just craving a beer?

And speaking of chucks…



Thankfully this one is still too short to nibble on my day lilies.



How wonderful is this? Free bouquets.

I love my town.


In which His Lordship finally walks on the driveway.


Though we have not yet driven on our beautiful new driveway, we are walking on it.

Or rather, we humans are walking on it. Lord Dudley Mountcatten remains skeptical.



Taking him out for a walk has meant strolling around the house on the grass and then watching him plant himself on the kitchen landing.



Where he sits and stares.

Until yesterday…



When he finally decided to investigate.



Momma chuck was watching from the barn porch…



As his Royal highness took to the tar.



Not yet a fan of the new black expanse, His Lordship returned to the backyard and his favorite woodchuck burrow.



This is a tunnel that runs under our bedroom bay window and I wish I was quicker with the camera because a baby chuck stuck his head out, spotted Dudley and let out a true whistle pig screech.



As far as kitty entertainment goes, squealing woodchuck beats new driveway any old day.


The BCB.… and Camden.


In case you hadn’t guessed our recent scenic drive up the coast wasn’t random, it had a particular destination in mind.



The often heard of, always praised… BCB.



It didn’t fail to impress.

The place is huge.



As advertised… it’s a giant chicken barn with the bottom floor devoted to a multi dealer antique store and the top floor home to over 200,000 books which sounded like pure heaven to me .



We entered the building and turned left, happily strolling in and out of treasure filled booths. Husband is obsessed with old glass water jugs, but he already had this one and reluctantly put it back.



I saw Benjamin Franklin… complete with kite.



And the type of vintage crank phone I’ve been wanting for the man cave/Barn Mahal… though this one was in terrible shape… so there it stayed.



The downstairs seemed to go on forever but when we were through with the left side of the barn and returned to the middle entrance to peruse the right side, the temperature started rising. ( Husband is seen here examining a wooden egg crate, but we already have 3… so I said no ) This old building has no air conditioning and it being the middle of summer… things were starting to get downright uncomfortable. For some reason the farther right you went the hotter it got so I was basically speed walking through the stalls trying to work my way back to a cooler section.

And because I don’t need any more vintage wooden crates for my vinyl record collection?



A veritable mountain of vintage wooden crates for my vinyl record collection.



And this … because a big chicken barn needs a randomly placed big chicken.

I’m ashamed to report I did not have the stamina to peruse the books. I climbed the large staircase, reached the top and literally couldn’t breathe for the heat. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say the temperature rivaled the surface of the sun. Okay, maybe that’s extreme… but honestly, it was unbearable and everyone who ascended to the second floor came right back down. I wish I’d known this before we came, I would have planned a fall or winter visit.



We took a different route home and drove through one of the prettiest coastal towns in the state, Camden.



We thought about lunch but the downtown area was packed solid with wall to wall tourists so we just breezed on by….



With me wanting a hobbit doorway under our porch like this one.





Let’s play.


What have you got to lose but time….



I’ll start…




I don’t want that big guy hopping on me. No sir.




Do they toot? I don’t know, but that bushy tail would be a very effective toot disbursement tool.




Those are some serious chompers, for sure.

Your turn..

O something.


Scenic drive up the coast..


A few photos from our drive up the coast the other day.



Daylilies were blooming everywhere. Small batches in front of homes and large clumps growing riotously in fields.



This was parked alongside someone’s garage. It takes model building to a whole new level.



A lavender farm.



Belfast harbor.



Some serious rock.



The (famous around these parts) Penobscot Narrows Bridge.



It definitely makes you feel small.



And always makes me appreciate engineers.

