Let’s play.


Because it appears I’m never going to run out of these.



Here are mine:


People say literally when they mean figuratively and it drives me nuts. “ It’s so hot I am literally on fire.” Unless I see flames shooting out of a body cavity? You meant figuratively.


I could care less.

Could you? Then that means you cared in the first place. The proper phrasing is ‘I couldn’t care less’, please use it.


Must not have been very important.

This one dates back to my childhood. Whenever I would forget something I wanted to tell my mother she would smugly utter those words and I always wanted to scream, “Now I remember! The kitchen is on fire.”



So how about you? What words or phrases drive you nuts….


Bonk… part 5.


Required sex warning – the following contains explicit excerpts from one seriously wacky book. Continue at the risk of disturbing mental images.

As you already know, the male member, its malfunctions and various cures feature heavily in this series.



Because sometimes you feel like pumping, and sometimes you don’t.



I’m not a man and therefor have no physical frame of reference… but is perpetual half mast really where men want to be?



The Smithsonian has a penis bone collection? Why doesn’t this surprise me..



It seems Thai women are not to be screwed with. Or Thai ducks either for that matter..



The little man in the boat? I can’t even….



It makes you wonder just how much suction one man could need. And remember, I did warn you about mental images.



Random skies and sammies.


Woke up this morning to an odd light in our front yard.



The sun was shining through little peaks in the clouds and it was positively eerie.



This being Sunday, it was my day to cook for the weekly man cave pool tournament… but this time, I took your advice.



Fresh ham salad and chicken salad sandwiches on flaky croissants.



With fruit plate accompaniment. Pretty… and so much less time consuming.



Our cat is weird.


Lord Dudley Mountcatten enjoys his outdoor time, though he’s still restricted to the leash. Our walking excursions usually consist of me standing and him sitting, but fresh air is fresh air and now that the weather is warming up he’s constantly howling to be taken into the great outdoors. Does he avidly explore his environs?




He face plants on the lawn and stays that way. His Lordship is an odd bird, what can I say?



Walking a cat can be challenging, predominately because they don’t actually want to walk.



They want to crawl under things and sit which leaves me with a plethora of butt shots.


Free, to pee.



I didn’t pee on my garden before I read this, but rest assured I shall be passing it along to my husband who has been known to relieve himself off the barn porch.



I have never in my life urinated on a lawn and I don’t plan to start now. But men can be very dog like when it comes to marking their territory as evidenced by this photo of a conspicuous patch of dead lawn adjacent to the barn porch.




Apparently that goes for grass as well.


Coastal Maine


After our delightfully boozy lunch at the Boathouse we took a scenic drive along the coast of Kennebunkport.



It’s a beautiful area…



Wild and windswept.



With some seriously gorgeous waterfront homes.



Needless to say it’s a little out of our tax bracket.



But with President Bush’s summer home at Walker’s Point for neighbors….



That’s not the least bit surprising.

