Let’s play.


You know I’m never going to run out of these … right?



Let’s see what my phone thinks I am.

I’m a little bit disturbing.

Well, I can’t argue with that.



I’m a good bit too short.

At barely 5’4, I can’t argue with that either.



I’m a little guy in the backyard.

Now it’s confusing me with the woodchucks so I’ll quit while I’m ahead.

What does your phone think you are…?


If ya can’t beat ’em….


And it’s clear from the hundreds of dollars I’ve spent on deterrents… I can’t.



Yeah, I gave you a chance…. and they ate right through you.



You might as well join them.



Or rather feed them your fruit and salad scraps in the hopes they’ll leave your flowers alone.



Watermelon was a huge hit. They positively inhaled that.



But honestly, would it kill them to wipe off the scowl off their faces and maybe shoot me a grin now and then? I think it’s the least they could do.


Random drivel.


I don’t usually pay attention to the Facebook memories section, but this one from an old blog friend popped up the other day and I had to laugh.



It really does.




That sounds simple and delicious.

If you try it before me? Let me know.


And for Brian at http://brianlageose.blog

Because we were chatting a while back about the ridiculous old station wagons we had to drive as teenagers. Here’s my husband and I posing in front of my parent’s ‘62 Ford Falcon.

Complete with wood on the side… because we stylin’.



If you look closely you’ll see the entire passenger side is crumpled from me side swiping a telephone pole when I was 16.


This baby had a top speed of 51mph by the time I got her…. complete with vacuum wipers, a manual choke, and AM radio. I was the envy of exactly (count ‘em) none of my friends.

Please don’t judge the head to toe stone washed denim… it was the late 80’s. We had to.


Finally, here’s Lord Dudley…



In typical goober mode.



He should, but thank God he can’t.


Running away from home?


Lord Dudley Mountcatten has discovered the back of the den couch.



And an event of this magnitude must be documented by taking numerous photographs.



From various angles and distance ranges.



Chill Dudley…. it’s the price you pay for living here.

But the real reason for this drivel filled post?

My succulent ….



Who is clearly trying to run away from home.



And after all I’ve done for him.

Very disappointing.


Things I won’t be buying today.


Do I need to research Lord Dudley Mountcatten’s family tree?



I do not. But kudos to the marketing genius who came up with this. I’m sure they’re making a fortune.



I do happen to be a Rolling Stones fan, RIP Charlie Watts, but that’s a big no on the lips and tongue bottle of whiskey.

And on further examination? It’s a good thing I don’t want to add one to the man cave bar.



65,000 euro? Holy guacamole Batman… that’s a seriously pricey sip!


I love my town.


Cruising my small town’s Facebook page today, I discovered an invitation.



I wonder if adults are allowed?



I do love a good goat encounter.



We’ve had a lot of mushrooms lately, but never one with dead tribble hair.



Teachers. They educate our children and at times, take on the role of surrogate parents.

Scooping poop should not be part of their job description.


So this happened.


Last week my husband came home from the store with a leash and harness for Lord Dudley Mountcatten. I wasn’t thrilled with the idea… and neither was Lord Dudley Mountcatten.



Have you ever tried to put a harness on an uncooperative feline? It’s a lot like herding wombats, only bloodier.



And while his Lordship has wanted to go outside since we got him…



I doubt this is quite how he envisioned it.



If looks could kill… we would have been dead on the spot.



My husband quickly learned that walking a cat requires an infinite amount of patience.



For every 10 steps Lord Mountcatten walked?



He spent 10 minutes sitting, biting at the harness and glaring up at us as if to say this contraption is robbing me of my dignity, not to mention my will to live.

Making the decision to keep him housebound was hard, as all our other pets were free to roam outside. But after losing one to a speeding car and then watching Dudley run right for the road the one time he got loose, I was okay with him being under house arrest.



I mean really, it’s not such a hardship to be waited on hand and foot by your human staff and pampered with an endless supply of catnip.

The whole walking on a leash scenario seems like the ultimate tease to me. A taste of freedom without being free. But the husband thinks it’s wonderful and plans to continue. Time will tell…

