Say it isn’t so.


I dealt with the toilet paper shortage.

I survived the run on flour.

But the newest Covid related tragedy might just tip me over the edge.



Yes, boys and girls…. our fettuccini Alfredo is about to put a bigger dent in our wallets.



God damn you Corona virus! Isn’t it enough you’ve made a trip to the hardware store seem like a big day out?



Leave my cheese alone!

*She says as she allots more money in the budget. Who needs those pesky prescriptions anyway?*


Random things.


I don’t drink coffee, never have. But if any brand were ever to tempt me to start? This might be it.



As previously noted, we had an electrician in to put some electrical outlets under our bar. And because we’re either cursed or the unluckiest people on earth, things did not go well. I won’t bore you with details but after 3 hours of trying… ka-Ching! …. the only option was this.



Ugly ass exterior junction boxes… that because I let the husband supervise? Were mounted too high and now leave me unable to run the three foot long shelf I’d purchased for that spot.

Two foot long shelves it is. Grrr.



A recent trip to our local pub found the owner munching on these. And while I utterly despise all sugar free, fake ass, wannabe chocolate? These weren’t half bad. Of course I was a few Cosmos in by then, so they may have actually tasted like cardboard. For $15 a bag, I don’t think I’m willing to check.




Yes they are, and bless their little souls for the good cheer they spread.


Welcome to the family… I think.


Meet our new family member.



The cat my husband swore we wouldn’t have any more of after our last one passed because he wanted to be free to travel.



This handsome fellow has been wandering our neighborhood (in the cold Maine winter!) for weeks. A woman down the road took him in, but her dogs kept attacking.



Our farming neighbors across the street took him in, but they have 4 cats, 2 dogs and 3 kids in a 1,000 square foot house…. so they begged us to shelter him.



The husband said yes, temporarily while we tried to find his owners.

He’s clean, healthy, flea and ear mite free… and a genuine love bug. Someone clearly cared for this kitty. But after posting on numerous lost pet sites, numerous local Facebook pages and asking everyone I know? It looks like he’s ours.

And the husband who said no way, no more pets?




He’s been charmed.



And to think it only took three days.

Such is the power of cats.



I think we need a wombat, because the goat thing has already been done.


Meet Frankie Rae.



Apparently he’s becoming a rather famous goat.



How pathetic is it that a goat has more fans than I do?



On second thought, he’s more photogenic, so it might make sense.



So maybe the husband and I should get a wombat, and when we feel comfortable traveling again… I can feature the cuddly creature in my posts.

Could I share my dinner with a wombat?




Could I share my bed with a wombat?



I don’t see why not.

Could I stage wombat-centric wilderness pictures?



Of course.

Granted, the goat will one up us during the holidays …



But uniqueness is key. And I dare you to find you another blogger who has a traveling wombat.





I’m knee deep in an extremely detailed and comprehensive biography of a fascinating First Lady.



How detailed and comprehensive you ask?

698 pages worth. It weighs a ton!



While I don’t usually read biographies, this tome has enough action, scandal, politics, intrigue, and history to satisfy fans of any genre.



I thought I knew a lot about Nell.



I was wrong.


Is it wrong?


Is it wrong that I’m taking great pleasure from whipping my other half in our weekly Scrabble games in the Barn Mahal?



Round after round.



Day after day.



Do I chortle every time it happens? Yes.

But come on… he skunks me at pool. He murders me at darts. I don’t think I’ve ever beaten him at Monopoly, Risk or chess. But when it comes to contests of trivia or anything word related?

I rule.



And yes, I take perverse pleasure in the victories.

