Birds in snowy trees.


Sadly our snow is all gone, but here are a few pretty pics from our last storm.




We have a few cardinals visit our feeders now and then…




But it always surprises me that they show up en masses during a blizzard.




Perfect winter scenes if ever I saw one.




They spend most of their time huddled in the small apple tree.




But every once in a while make a dash for the seed.




With light fluffy snow? It doesn’t always end well.



The good, the bad, and the rude.


As you know (from reading this) I am not a fan of the photo Christmas card. But this year? There were a few that made even me smile…. and in the interest of fair play I’m posting them.



Clever people who went the extra mile this season.



Is it wrong I’m as jealous as Hell of that fort?



I feel you momma.



A wee bit dark, but I get it.



This cracked me up. The photoless photo card.

A fitting tribute to 2020.



A bit embarrassing, that.

But along with the funny ones… there were some I found to be in bad taste.



I’m no prude, but toilet humor at Christmas might be a bridge too far.

And this last one?



No. Just no…

To celebrate and encourage your young daughter to flip off your friends and family?

I don’t care how rotten 2020 was, that’s not my idea of festive.


A real treat.


A few more pictures from my camera last month.




Look at this beautiful juvenile red tail hawk.




Just hanging out on the bird feeder pole waiting for lunch to drop in.




We see him cruising over the property now and then…




But he rarely perches so close to the house for an extended period of time.




Heck, he was even comfortable enough to take a bath.




They really are spectacular creatures.




Thanks for dropping by big guy.




And if you happen to see a mangy little red squirrel wandering the roof line?

Please don’t miss.


Barn (and bar!) news.


Continuing in the if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em paradigm, I gifted the husband some nice new pool sticks.



Canadian maple of various colors and weights.



I also gathered some of the military patches he’s had stuck in his drawer for years.



I’m trying to think of some way to display them… you know, a way that doesn’t involve sewing. Because my love only goes so far.



A few man cave appropriate books were dropped on the table…. and then –



Our bar building contractor showed up with the top of the bar.



I have to admit I was liking the 3 different shades of wood colors….



Until I realized that was the unfinished side. But after it was sanded down and smoothed, even the husband agreed it would need to be stained before the polyurethane.

Victory is mine!



And that called for a drink. Or a cocktail in a pretty can as the case may be.


The Photo Ark… Part 6.


More fabulous photos…



Black and Rufous Elephant Shrew.


Of more fabulous creatures.



Himalayan Moran.

And look how happy some of them are to have their picture taken.



Northern Tamandua.


No, this isn’t a Rorschach test, but it could be.



Atlantic Sea Spider.


I see my late Mother in Law there, but you probably won’t.



Hispaniolan Hutia.


Bet that Hutia could make short work of momma red squirrel. Anyone know where I can rent a few?



Waxy Monkey Frog.


Damn, I wish my legs were that long.





Platypuses are proof positive evolution has a sense of humor. And a slight drinking problem.



Red Celestial Eye Goldfish.


Imagine how effective my eye rolls would be with those peepers.



Horned Screamer.


That fellow’s horn required a two page centerfold.  Men? You should be so lucky.



African Moon Moth.


I am completely in love with this moth. He has attitude to spare….


For me? It’s a definite no.


I recently commented on a blog friend’s post about my dislike of the ever popular photo Christmas card. After voicing my opinion, I was asked “Are you… Scrooge?” To which I answer most emphatically… no! 

But for me… the joy of the annual Christmas card exchange is knowing that someone far away, someone I may not have seen for 15 years, someone I don’t communicate with on a regular basis, took the time to sit down and think of me. To actually pick up a pen and jot down a message of holiday cheer…. in good old fashioned ink. In the virtual, digital, and (don’t get me wrong I love my tech) impersonal world in which we live? That still means something.

So when I get cards like this –



They leave me cold. Want to include a family photo in your card? Great, I’d love to see you and your hoard of grandchildren. But not like this –



Where I have absolutely no idea who’s who or from which loins they sprung.

Nope. You have to do more than format some photos online and stick it in an envelope with no handwritten signature or bon mots for me to feel that merry tingle.



Old fashioned? Probably. But then I still send handwritten thank you notes like my momma taught me.

And if I’m the only one who feels this way? So be it. You do you, I’ll do me. My cards and envelopes always have been… and always will be… hand written. And if you’re lucky enough to make the cut on my ever dwindling Christmas card list (deadbeats who haven’t reciprocated in 5 years are history) you won’t get a typewritten letter detailing the mind numbing minutia of my life in the past year. (Do not get me started on those! I neither need, nor want to know the results of your step son’s colonoscopy or how great aunt Edna is dealing with those pesky cysts.) But you will get a few words from someone who thought enough of you to take the time to put pen to paper.


*Disclaimer – the post to which I refer is this one by Swinged Cat.

And while my dislike of photo cards stands, I’d like to give him a shout out for at least going the extra mile and doing something humorous.


Pandemic humor.


Because if I don’t laugh, I’ll hurt someone.



Proof there’s a silver lining to every cloud.



I’m not there… yet.



This, above anything else, is what I miss. Our plans of retiring and traveling extensively this year went right down the drain.



Whew. Glad I made the cut…



I wouldn’t doubt it.



Some people just shouldn’t shake their groove thing. Ever.



Better living through science? I rest my case.



Building a snowman?

Very 2019.


She doesn’t give up.


Neither snow nor rain… nor frigid temperatures will stop the red squirrel from Hell.




She was scurrying over the roof and across the deck railing…




Trying to make her way to the seed buffet.




But this snow was light, fluffy and thick and every time she tried to walk across it?




She fell through.




And yes, I laughed my rapidly expanding, thank you Covid 19 ass off.




But she had the last laugh.



Because the bitch has learned to tunnel.




She tunneled for over an hour.




Back and forth.




Building an entire red squirrel subway line.




This doesn’t bode well for my dream of her dying of starvation over the winter.




Or the safety of our home’s foundation for that matter.




If I wake up next month with her sitting at the kitchen table nibbling my Krispy Kreme’s? Things are going to get real.


The Great Goat Escape …. Update.


Sadly, the goat is still on the loose.



Updates are posted every few days on our town’s Facebook page.



It’s become a bit of a hoot.



Apparently this goat was given to the owners a few weeks ago and as soon as they opened the pen to transfer it to their yard… it ran off. They’ve tried putting out food, luring it with other goats and even set up a warm shelter near where it’s been spotted… but nothing works. It runs from everyone who tries to catch it.



In 2020, this is what passes for hard news in my town.

Ya gotta love it.
