A rainy day in Arizona….


I didn’t even know that was possible, but sure enough we woke on our first full morning in Sedona to fog and drizzle.




Okay, not that much rain…




But even the fog couldn’t hide the beauty.




Bell Rock and Courthouse Butte rise majestically above you as you travel up Hwy 179.




179 is an amazing road that cuts right through the canyon.




It was my first real look at Red Rock country and I was hooked.




Even through the fog, rain and spotty windshield, it was fabulous.




We’d heard a lot about the famous Chapel of the Holy Cross, and even though I’m not the least bit religious…. decided to do a drive by.




I have to say it was pretty magnificent….




Rising out of the red rocks.




The walk up to the top is long and steep, so there are golf carts to help the fat and lazy like me.




But since the weather was bad, we just drove up and turned around.




And planned on going back for a proper visit when the sun was shining.




We noticed some snow on a far peak and marveled at the difference altitude can make. It was 60 degrees down in the parking lot..





So we said goodbye to the church in the rocks….





And passed by this little hacienda…




Apparently the locals were livid the mansion was built so close to the chapel.




But when you have that kind of money, I guess you can buy any piece of rock you want.

20 thoughts on “A rainy day in Arizona….”

  1. One of my memories of visiting Arizona is me driving through a thunderstorm with rain pouring so hard I couldn’t see through the windshield. It was scary af and not what I expected out in the desert. In fact, most of AZ was not what I expected…

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  2. I would imagine Arizona’s Southwestern climate is prone to rainy days that almost never happen during the summer. And since it’s a popular wintertime vacation spot (Who would want to intentionally go there when it’s 120 degrees?) a lot of people end up surprised with the weather. I’ve noticed that California baseball games only get rained out in April…

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