And the demolition continues…


It’s been slow going but the tear down of our old front porch is fully underway.



All the decking has been removed and even though the posts are not load bearing my husband propped up a temporary support .



In his typical professional fashion.





That looks stable…




Lots of rotted wood had to be removed because there was no j channel under the door, or under any of the porch siding.



He’s trying to keep as much of the old frame as he can. Even if it is a wee bit crooked. Those cement posts are buried 3 feet down and there’s no way we’re moving them.



Does my husband know what he’s doing?

Not really. Just enough to be dangerous.

That’s what makes it blog worthy.



17 thoughts on “And the demolition continues…”

  1. He’s just keeping himself busy. Who knows “what” he might be doing if he didn’t have these things to do. He just might have to face the fact that he is human, and at his age he’s not ready for that.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I guess he doesn’t want to grow old gracefully.
        Rage! Rage against the piling on of years. But nothing helps. At least he is still around to make you worry.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. I really hate when my husband starts a DIY. It always ends well, but all the “stuff” that happens in between is disturbing. It so much better to just hire somebody and get it done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No. That would involve completely redesigning the roofline… and that’s above our DIY abilities.
      We’re just replacing the wood deck with composite, the wood railings with vinyl, dressing up the posts, putting up new soffit, changing the light fixture and hopefully adding stone to the wall behind the porch.


      1. He could be twenty feet up a ladder on the other side of town. You might consider a few projects that he might actually enjoy just to keep him around the house and some peace of mind for you. Good luck with that.👌

        Liked by 1 person

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