The fill is full.


It seems my husband misjudged how much pea gravel he would need.



4 yards was ordered and roughly two was used.



The poor man loaded and dumped and spread for days.



I honestly don’t know where he gets the energy or how he has the stamina at his age.



I’m 16 years younger and it wears me out just watching.




Level ground… even though it may not look like it in the photo.



Of course now there’s the question of what to do with the rest of the fill pile that wasn’t needed.

It’s way over here…

So maybe we’ll worry about that tomorrow.



18 thoughts on “The fill is full.”

  1. Your man is too stubborn to admit he made a mistake. He will kill himself doing something that shoild have been done by younger folk. But, as huntress said, “He’s a marine.” They get an idea in their head, they gotta do it, or die trying. (Which helps you none st all. I think you’d rather have him alive.)

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