When he sets his mind to something…


As reported the other day, husband still had half a pile of pea gravel left over from his filling project.



Not wanting it to kill his carefully tended lawn, he planned to distribute it around our culverts the next day.



So of course, it rained.



Which didn’t deter my husband.



Back and forth, from one end of our property to the other.



Soaking wet..



He could have waited until it stopped.

He could have…


17 thoughts on “When he sets his mind to something…”

  1. He was well-dressed for the weather. Hopefully he won’t come down with a cold — though at his age…
    Maybe this whole process is just to prove he is still young — and sorry, guy, but he is getting older by the day. At some point he will have to admit it! And the more he does things like this, the sooner that day could come.
    On the other hand, maybe he feels he has to accomplish things for you before he is gone!
    Either way, he could be taking better care of himself. What is his DNA telling him?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In his defense, it was a cold wet day. As for DNA, his mother was in her nineties when she died, his aunt was near 100. He fights growing older with every breath. Someday… he’ll have to stop.
      But not today.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. Just to complete the circle, how about the men in the family. I am the last of 7 males. All my sisters are alive and well


    1. When we moved here most of our property was fields with a bit of lawn around the house. I loved the wild flowers and country feel… but in no time the lawn ranger had tamed them.

      Liked by 1 person

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