That’s one expensive nosebleed.


I’m in the minority in my state, and my geographic region for that matter… because I don’t care for the Patriots. But what really makes me an oddball? The fact that I don’t like Tom Brady. We won’t get into the reasons, but suffice it to say when he moved to Tampa Bay? I happily waved bye bye.



We have friends who recently moved to Florida. Being major Brady fans, they were thrilled when he followed them to the sunshine state. But for people in my neck of the woods, it’s a quandary. They want to keep rooting for the Patriots, but still love Tommy. So when the NFL schedule was announced and a date was picked for the Bucs vs Pats game at Foxboro? Insanity ensued. Tickets for the we’re so effin’ far away from the field we should send a postcard nosebleed section seats?



$3,200 per. And may I just say… what the utter f*ck! I’m not a football fan so it’s not like I’d be going anyway, but how many blue collar American workers can afford that? None, that’s how many.

And if you want a good seat?

Tickets for Section 111…. on the Patriots sideline… are going for $42,000 per. Which brings to mind one word.



And it’s not raccoon.


39 thoughts on “That’s one expensive nosebleed.”

      1. I justified my recent purchase of $10 canned craft beers via “crap beers at a stadium or concert are $12-$20 each and I haven’t been to either in more than 1.5 years… that makes it okay.”


  1. People should flat out boycott going to professional sports games until they make the prices affordable for the average American. I, too, cannot stand Tom Brady. Deflategate was the pinnacle of embarrassment, and I felt sorry for any Patriots fan – especially when he tried to deflect the blame on some poor shmuck.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It doesn’t help that my dad’s name is Tom Brady. First of all, no one believes me – as if there aren’t thousands of Tom Bradys in the US alone – and second of all, my dad is older, so (as he says) he’s the original.


        Liked by 1 person

  2. Pittsburgh Steelers fan here, yes in Texas. You’d be surprised how many of us live in the Lone Star State and get asked why we don’t like the Cowboys. Anyway, back to Brady and the Pats, I don’t care for him either, he just seems to be a narcist. But that’s just one of the reasons. Anyway, I agree that the NFL is getting a tad greedy when it comes to tickets. But because the demand is so high it will stay that way, geez Louise that’s ridiculous.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lots of businesses purchase expensive tickets and write them off on client entertainment, employee promotions, etc. You probably pay for some of it in the price of products and services you buy.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am totally with you on the dislike of Brady, can’t stand the arrogant ass. Felt the same way about Cam Newton when he was on my beloved Panthers team. The ticket prices are ridiculous, I had no idea! Doesn’t affect me either, though, I’d rather watch on TV.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You couldn’t pay me $3200 to go to a football game ~ if I watch, I want to be AT HOME, in COMFY seats, with snacks and bathrooms at the ready, and a well stocked bar just feet away.

    If you offered to pay me $42000 to attend, I might relent. 😆

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