Why spelling is so important.


If you’ve ever doubted the power of misspelled words, I think these listings might change your mind. They’re also a scathing indictment of the educational system… but that’s another blog entirely.



I’d like to think that was a typo, but they wrote it twice. Sigh.



They’re selling a Porsche for $100? What a deal!



This could go either way… because axes will most definitely grant access.



If the wax breaks into La Boheme during dinner, fine. Otherwise? Please, buy a dictionary.



I can’t even.



This made me chuckle, but judging by the price… it might be a fake.



Damn, the poor man’s Tardis.


32 thoughts on “Why spelling is so important.”

  1. First of all, as someone who has to read technical writing and guidelines for a living, this really burns my biscuits! Yes, as you mentioned it’s also a scathing indictment of the educational system these people managed to fake their way through. But there is SPELL CHECK!!

    As for the “coughing” the “sale due to wrong diagnosis” has me rolling! I’m like, what the fuck and how did this dude/dudette manage to even buy this thing from a “wrong diagnosis” AND not get a second opinion?!?! Yeah, I think I’ll stick to being cremated because buying a “coughing” isn’t quite up my alley. The “porche” is a steal…lmao.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How is spell check going to help? They may be the wrong words, but they’re all spelt correctly. If anything, this is an indictment of the over reliance on spell check. Spell check can’t check for context.


  2. I had to look at the first one a couple of times–wasn’t sure if it was a cello or something else–finally got coffin! LOL
    Correct spelling on the Internet is a mess which is why I think there are so many abbreviations!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ha! One of my favorites was an email sent to an entire squadron from a very senior Marine that started:
    “Maries! Don’t forget to wear your dessert cammies tomorrow!”

    I was looking for sprinkles on my cammies the entire day 😂


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