And the harvest continues.


Our apple trees are still loaded with fruit…



Though the deer have taken their share from the lower branches, which means….



It was time to send the husband up the ladder.

And when the fruit in reach of the ladder were picked clean? It was time for the antique tools.



Apple pickers from an 1850 orchard.



If you’ve ever tried to use one of these, you know it’s not as easy as it looks. And after 10 minutes of fruitless ( See what I did there? Fruitless. I’m so clever, it hurts.) maneuvering, adjustments had to be made.



Not a pretty technique.

But highly effective.



21 thoughts on “And the harvest continues.”

  1. After all the trouble Ms Red Squirrel has caused, the least she could do is dislodge those apples for you. As an added incentive, you could promise to bake her an apple pie (or threaten to bake yourself a squirrel pie).

    Liked by 1 person

      1. apples are amazingly versatile. “You can barbecue em, boil em, broil em, bake em, and saute em. There’s apple kabobs, apple creole, apple gumbo. Pan-fried, deep-fried, stir-fried. LOL.. I love forrest gump 🍎 🍏

        Liked by 1 person

  2. First, now I know why they take the center branches out of the apple trees in the orchards around here. The keep them wide and low. Second, after seeing the ladder usage for the rain gutter project, was it really safe to bring it out again? Just putting that out there.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I wonder if you could get someone to harvest the rest of your apples for the Food Bank?

    We have an organization around here, Transition Sarasota, that gleans fields for fruits and veggies for the Food Bank. Volunteers sign up and are told WHEN, WHERE . . . and they get to take home a bag of produce for their efforts.

    Liked by 1 person

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