Because apparently sleeping can be dangerous.


It’s official,

I have reached that age.



I woke up the other morning with a slight pain on the left side of my neck… but didn’t think much about it and went about my day.

Until I couldn’t.

Until I realized the mere act of sleeping has rendered me into a blubbering idiot positively alight with pain. It seems I pinched a nerve and holy hell does it hurt. 24 hour burning, tingling, numbness and sharp spasms of agony every time I move my head. I’ve never pinched a nerve before and let me tell you, I don’t want to do it again.

The doctor said to alternate cold packs and the heating pad, take ibuprofen for swelling, rest, sit up straight to correct my overall posture and perform this series of exercises.



I’m doing all that and nothing helps. After reading it can take 6-8 weeks to heal I’m quasi suicidal… so what have you got? Ever experienced this, and if so what did you do for relief? At this point I’m open to all cures… so please include your witch doctor’s phone number or voodoo priestess’s email.



31 thoughts on “Because apparently sleeping can be dangerous.”

      1. I can’t say I have ever seen anyone shoot a shot of whiskey with a straw but… And I have heard drinking beer through a straw helps it work more effectively. Either way, good luck.

        Liked by 2 people

    1. The colonoscopy is disgusting, but yes. This is painful enough to trade. And everything went swimmingly, so to speak. No polyps, no… whatever else it is they look for up there.


  1. First day of basic training…300 pushups, 300 sit ups, 12 mile road march, 5 mile cross country unit run in full gear with weapon, 27 seconds to eat dinner, bed at midnight, up at 3Am and did it again. First day of 60, laid in bed until I could muster the energy to lift head off pillow. Failed. Tried again. Failed, so just rolled over flat until my feet hit the ground.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yep…..been there, done that. I can do all the yoga (intermediate) poses but one night sleeping in the wrong position and I’m popping Tylenol like they come out of a Pez dispenser. Sorry about your pain River.

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      1. It’s a very slight turn of the neck or shoulders that causes that kid of pain. That’s what one of the ortho doctors said to me when I worked at the medical school. He recommended a memory foam pillow, which I got and hated at first. Then I got use to it and it’s helped me since.

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  3. I’ve injured myself from sleeping in the wrong position or using the wrong pillow, but my ailments seemed to dissipate over a day. I’m so sorry. This really sucks. My only advice is to do what the Dr. ordered.

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