Random nonsense.


Do you like gathering friends and family for a good old fashioned game night? Board games, card games, games of skill, games of chance … it doesn’t matter, they’re all fun.

And the best part? You can still take part even after you’re dead.






Lord Dudley Mountcatten is a daddy’s boy. Oh, he tolerates me because I’m the opener of cans and the sifter of poop but it’s my husband he follows from room to room and sleeps with at night. This allegiance also holds sway over freshly folded laundry.



He curls up on my husband’s.

Never mine.



A new Sopranos series?

I’m in!



I can honestly say I’ve never wanted to play ball more in my life.



#1 mistake?

Eating it. 🤢

(Sorry Mark)


15 thoughts on “Random nonsense.”

      1. I love the idea of being interred in an egg timer type thing. My wife is not so keen, since I’m always 5 minutes late for everything … and she doesn’t like hard boiled eggs! 😉😂
      2. ‘Spam’ is in the title of my new book I’m currently editing. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I generally hang the clothes out to dry and the kitty loves to lay on them once I bring them in – I think it’s the smell of the outdoors he likes. Never really watched the Sopranos


  2. One of the things that makes me feel so loved by our cats is when I go to the bedroom and see them on the bed and out of the whole otherwise empty surface, they always choose to lay on our clothes, like they want to be near us even when they aren’t near us. ❤️❤️❤️

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  3. My beloved mama in a rare fit of kitchen daring do created a culinary masterpiece that is still discussed today at the dinner table.

    Spam lasagna —

    It was a memorable dinner, and was never served again.

    Liked by 1 person

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