Tag Archives: dinner and a show

Dinner and a (sh*t) show.


Some friends invited us out to dinner and a show on the coast recently.



Location: The Taste of Maine. Home to the world’s largest inflatable lobster.

It’s a large family run seafood restaurant beloved by tourists but considered over rated and overpriced by us locals.



Our meal was just that, underwhelming and not worth the cost.



The show was upstairs and packed to capacity. It featured Bob Marley, a local comedian who sells out everywhere he appears.

To be honest, he’s not my cup of tea. The humor is low brow with too much emphasis on pooping and farting for my taste.



But our friends love him and were nice enough to pay for our tickets so we couldn’t refuse.

To each their own.

He’s just not for me.

I didn’t video any of the performance, but here’s an example of his style.

