

Someone needs to invent the technology and WordPress needs to adopt it.



Because our apple trees are in full bloom and the scent is beyond heavenly.



I wish the pictures did them more justice.



The white and pink blossoms really pop in person.



And from the looks of the quantity, it’s going to be an autumn filled with pie.



And cobbler, and torte, and crisp, and cake, and muffins…



Well, you get the idea.



27 thoughts on “Smellovision.”

  1. Sleazy director John Waters invented Smell-o-Vision for his movie Polyester. A numbered scratch and sniff sheet was given to each audience member to use as the numbers came up on the movie screen.

    Yes, true story.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Here hold my beer, watch this ! I am sure WP and the rest of the internet can get it right this time. They even have a special branch of techs to make sure. They call themselves the Stinkyness Engineers. Their mascot is that endearing creature that is cute and cuddly and makes a used litterbox smell clean. The delightful pole cat. What could go wrong ?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Glad you have something to take your mind off hubby’s roof misadventures. For your sake, I hope he doesn’t start thinking it would be a good idea to ‘take out’ some of those smelly apple trees.

    Liked by 1 person

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