This is getting old.


It rained heavily the other night, which means I woke up to this.




My husband puts a paper towel in the bowl because he can’t stand to hear the dripping. This from the man who has the audio level of the television at 31.



No matter how many times he fixes, replaces sections of, tars or flashes the roof?




It’s enough to make me scream because it doesn’t happen every time. We can have a rip roarer of a downpour and it will be fine. Then a normal shower will cause a breakthrough.



So I bleached and patched the ceiling, again. Cursing under my breath the entire time.

Lord Dudley Mountcatten?



Didn’t seem overly concerned.


29 thoughts on “This is getting old.”

      1. It’s funny, he was at heart a watercolorist and didn’t often work in oils. Our house is full of his work and my husband likes all of them. Except this one… because it’s too impressionistic. So naturally I hung behind the television he’s always watching.


    1. It’s crazy. We have no idea where it’s coming in as none of the wood on the roof is wet or damaged. We had the chimney too replaced a few years ago and just replaced the gutters. It’s maddening… doubly so because I want to replace the flooring but not until we solve the leak.


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