Explanations needed.


So help me out here as I’m not a coffee drinker.



What kind of puck are they sucking, and why?



I read the description and still have no freakin’ clue.

Another question – have we entered into a Mad Max universe? Because I didn’t get the memo.



As seen at a stop light in Lewiston, Maine.



Granted Lewiston isn’t the nicest city in my beautiful state, but this seems a little extreme, even for them.


28 thoughts on “Explanations needed.”

  1. I am with you on not drinking coffee, ever! Caffeine is the most addictive drug accepted by societies everywhere. Not as destructive as alcohol or the so-called street drugs, not as harmful as nicotine, but still it is a drug, and causes all sorts of problems for some people.
    But those hubcaps? I see why you thought Mad Max. Those are kiling machines if you get too close to them. Imagine being struck by one car and thrown into contact with those. What could have been a simple accident is suddenly tortorous death. Man, those gotta be made illegal!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The puck sucker is for those who use espresso machines to suck the puck of grounds from the….coffee holder, thingy. I’m like Boo though I just use a butter knife to do that, it’s a waste of money to get a puck sucker. As for those spike 18-wheeler lug nuts, they are the 18-wheeler version of compensating for something, you know being more aggressive than usual since they already have a huge, oversized obnoxious truck. They just want to add some sadomasochistic bling to their already oversized tires. Truckers in Texas seem to have those stupid things on for fashion or something like that, it’s stupid. Sort of like the puck sucker, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. In the case of the first, that looks like extreme overkill. Get your hands in there and do what you need to do. In the case of the second, I can see someone wanting to cosplay they are driving in a Mad Max machine, but as rawgod noted, if there isn’t a law against them I think there probably should be. That might have unintended consequences “down the road.”

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  4. I have a cup of coffee 2-3 times a week with a friend, at a coffee house, and I don’t care how he makes it. The rest of the time it’s PG Tips for me. I don’t get overmechanizing something so simple.
    The lug nuts would be great on a figure eight track, but not on the road. If you must compensate, they make big rubber nutsacks that you can hang off the back. Much safer, still stupid, it’s a win-win!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Those spikes have to be illegal.
    A puck us the wet, compacted, espesso after it’s been used. It’s usually Elextremely simple to simple knock put with a simple. That thing seems like more work.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m taking a break from blogging until November, so I was hoping my last visit here for October would inspire a witty comment….but yuck, it’s just my luck to be struck by a puck sucker (punch) I couldn’t duck and a truck with killer hubcaps. So, a witless comment will have to do..

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I’m a coffee drinker but I had no idea what a puck sucker was (I dare not say that even 3 times too fast lol 😆) until I read some comments! I’m just a regular coffee drinker and it’s a no on those hubcaps too! Yikes!

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