A boy and his platypus.


There is a platypus on our spare bed.



If you’re wondering why, I have one word. Hysterectomy.

And the two word reasons for these?



Renal arteriogram and uterine artery embolization.

Okay… that’s actually five, but you get the idea. Every time I go into the hospital my husband buys me a stuffed animal for company.

They’ve been on our beds for years but it’s only recently that Lord Dudley Mountcatten has decided the platypus makes a good snuggle buddy.



Most afternoons you’ll find him here, napping with his new friend.

At times it’s hard to tell where he ends and the platypus begins.



But whatever you do, don’t disturb his slumber.



There will be Hell to pay.



16 thoughts on “A boy and his platypus.”

  1. Lord Dudley, you’re a doll. I won’t touch your stuffie! I have the same hedgehog. I had one named “Henry” when I was a little girl. It was lost so a friend bought a new one a few years ago. I collected “stuffies” as a child and I still have my favorites out!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is the cutest thing. I’m talking about his Lordship of course and the stuffed toy he snuggles up to as well. Cats are mysterious creatures, Charlie had a “binki” for a while, which was a white small stuffed dog. He carried it around everywhere for almost a year and then suddenly he just stopped. Its in his cat bed where he keeps it for safe keeping I think, lol.

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  3. When our big cats want to play fetch, they bring Gail or I a stuffed toy for us to throw it, and they retrieve it. A game can last 2 minutes to an hour. Our baby SiSi (a 3 year-old kitten) learned to play fetch on her own. She selects up a small toy, picks it up with one claw, and waves her hand around until it flies off. Then she runs and gets it, and does it all over again. She can travel the whole house sometimes. And she can play while we are sleeping. Sometimes she throws it on our bed, then jumps up claws out to fetch it. We hate rude awakenings, but she is too cute to admonish. Her main thing is, she can play as long as she wants, all by herself.

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      1. SiSi has never seen avreal mouse. To her life is a game, which is why I say she is still a kitten. Eat, sleep and play — those are her three favourite things to do.

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