Let’s play.


Because it’s fun, that’s why.



I’d be happier with changing one hundred things instead of just one at this point in my life.

Chubby thighs. Menopausal belly. Eyes that need reading glasses. A blown knee. They all drive me crazy, but if I only get to pick one…

I want my young feet back. Not these 60 year old hooves that ache with literally every step due to bunion damage. Finding comfortable shoes is a complete horror show if I don’t want to your wear grandmas orthotics… which I don’t. I may be 60, but I’m a rather young 60 and still care about style. Even if it’s only sneakers and boots.

I long for the feet of my 20’s, 30’s and 40’s when I could wear whatever I wanted.. pain free. Things started going south in my 50’s, but now that I’ve turned 60 I look down at my crooked toes and cringe.


I want young feet.

How about you?

What body part do you want to change.


29 thoughts on “Let’s play.”

  1. Heart – most people would think I would say spine since they don’t know about the heart thing – but one limits my physical activity while the other limits my days on earth as well as my physical activity. I have so much to thank my parents for (she said snidely).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m going to say my hands, or rather the part of my brain that controls them. I have a good eye and I’m a decent draftsman, something almost never done with a T-square and a pencil anymore, but my drawing skills have always been lacking. Same with guitar playing. Good ear, bad fingers.


  3. Legs, I want my youthful legs back. I had nice legs at one point, then about 5 years ago I inherited my paternal grandmothers legs. They turned from nice, firm and long to……fatty, stubby and cankley. As for my feet, those are still looking youthful, but they are attached to my legs and well, my feet cringe looking up at my legs.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I will be totally honest. While there are a number of things I miss having, especially my almost eidetic memory as I slowly face towards dementia, the one thing I want is a colon. And the doctors have not yet figured out how to do a colon transplant — in fact I think they have given up trying.
    Forty years ago my colon stopped working, completely. I was told it could kill me if I did not have it removed. So I went along. There was a new experimental surgery just being tried, so I opted for that. The surgery fsiled, and left me with no bowel control. I would not wish this on my worst enemy?
    But I think my LEAST FAVOURITE PERSON IN THE WORLD already suffers from it so I don’t have to wish it on him — Donald J. TRUMP! I would say he should try changing his diet, but since his diet consists of nothing but ju k food that is his choice, LET THE ASSHOLE SUFFER, literally.

    Just by the bye, Rg, did I miss you saying what last week’s object was for in real life? I’d like to know. Thanx.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They seem to transplant everything else, I wonder why they can’t do a colon?
      And if you’re asking about the ancient name that crap item?
      I don’t know.
      And neither do the archeologists .


      1. Ahhhh. I wish I could hold it in my hand. Then I might have a better idea!
        I was told that the tissue of the colon cannot be stiched into place without the stitch holes tearing when the tissue is stretching for use.
        I think they haven’t tried hard enough. If they are going to keep removing colons, patients are going to demand transplants. The alternstive is bsrely liveable!


    1. My husband had his out when he was in the Marine Corps, back when he was lean and mean. The doctor had an awful time sawing through his well developed stomach muscle and left an awful scar.

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      1. Well, they are fully functional. It’s just they’re always “on” if that makes sense. Aware of them when I shouldn’t be…that sort of thing. Feet do a lot of work, and I guess it is only natural they’d “cave” at some point. If I hadn’t said hands…I would have said feet!

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