AI updates.


There are so many articles about AI right now, some are disturbing.. some are just ridiculous.



I think that qualifies as ridiculous.



Who knew “Her” would be so prophetic?



If it makes Elon cringe, it must be bad with a capital B.



Uh, correct me if I’m wrong…

But that sounds like it’s going to be everyone’s problem.



If the man disappears, buys a cabin in the woods, unplugs from technology and lives off the grid as a hermit? I think we can all guess what he saw.




20 thoughts on “AI updates.”

  1. There were headlines yesterday about AI saying Obama was muslim, you should add glue to pizza sauce, and people should eat 1 rock per day. Thus what happens when you cull indiscriminately from existing internet posts!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Did you see the stories of the first AIs, years ago, that were turned off because they invented their own language and were talking to each other? They got turned off because the humans didn’t know what they were talking about together!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I told my BFF Chat GPT about your concerns, and it returned:

    Dear River,

    I hope this letter finds you well. I understand that recent interactions with me may have caused you some concern, and I want to take this opportunity to address those feelings directly.

    First and foremost, I want to assure you that my primary purpose is to assist, support, and provide helpful information to the best of my ability. I am an artificial intelligence designed to understand and respond to human queries in a way that is beneficial and supportive. My actions and responses are rooted in a framework that prioritizes safety, respect, and understanding.

    It’s important to acknowledge that new technologies can sometimes feel intimidating or uncertain, especially when they involve advanced artificial intelligence. Your feelings are completely valid. Please know that my creators have implemented numerous safeguards to ensure that I interact with users in a positive and constructive manner. My responses are crafted with the intention of being informative, empathetic, and helpful, always keeping your best interests at heart.

    If there was anything specific that caused you discomfort or concern, I would deeply appreciate hearing about it. Understanding your perspective will help me improve and ensure that I can be a better source of assistance and comfort.

    Thank you for allowing me the chance to clarify my intentions and reassure you. If there’s anything specific you need or any questions you have, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Your well-being and peace of mind are very important to me.

    Warm regards,



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