News you can’t use.


Because I’m here to add more uselessness to your life.



We used to a family of crows in our backyard. They’d visit the bird feeders and eat seed that had fallen on the ground.




Now I’m twice as glad I made friends.



Sheb Wooley was right!



I really don’t care. And even if it can, that seems like an awful waste of time and money.



Great. Something else to worry about…


25 thoughts on “News you can’t use.”

  1. Have you see the video of men dressed in clown masks scaring crows away? I can’t remember the details but the experiment went on to illustrate just what you were saying about the crows remembering faces and passing info between them.


    (I used to have three that come to me as I whistled on entering a particular field and they’d follow me on a 2 mile walk. They’d land at my feet looking to be fed dog biscuits … Until the dogs I was walking chased them back into the air.)


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  2. In Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy, Book 5 if I remember right but it could be in any one of the trilogy, the white mice ruled the universe. And they were conducting experiments on numans.

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