Let’s play.


It’s as easy as answering a question.



Thinking about my answer to this question, I realize I’ve lead a charmed life.

My childhood was innocent and idyllic with two loving and supportive parents.

My adolescence was a little wild, but I always knew right from wrong and when too much was too much.

My married life started at age 20 and continues 40 years later, well loved and well cared for.

I have never been to war, been assaulted or been in a bad car accident. I have never had serious physical health issues and my mental state is stable. (Though some might disagree)

Mortal danger?

The closest I can come is being stuck in river mud up to my chest when I was 10 years old. I crossed what I thought was a dry creek bed when my mother wasn’t looking and got seriously stuck. Every time I tried to move I sunk further down and my mother… ever useless in a crisis… just screamed hysterically from the bank. Thankfully some local college guys came to my rescue with picnic blankets tied together like rope. I remember being freaked out, not to mention filthy… but mortal danger might be stretching it.

Of course my husband drives like a raped ape and some say I take my life in my hands every time I get in his car… so there is that.

How about you?

How close have you come to mortal danger.


30 thoughts on “Let’s play.”

  1. 1988, Persian Gulf. I was on a ship that had just lost all power as an Iranian jet had radar lock on us. He flew by without shooting and I’m still here today to annoy you with my comments. You can take that up with the pilot.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Too many times, Rg, too many times. The radio even told me I was dead once when they found my stolen ID on a body in the Rockies. But there was no internet then, so only the people who knew me and heard the news that day thought I was gone. I went to the RCMP and they revived me. I have no idea if they ever found out who the body belonged to.
    I’ve almost drowned, i had a knife to my carotid, i had cops shooting at me, i was asleep at the wheel and woke up just in time to barely avoid a semi rushing towards me. I’ve hit black ice and went through a stand of trees that demolished the vehicle I was driving in, and those were just the really close calls.
    I’m not trying to win your game, I would prefer none of these things ever happened, but they all did, and more. Yet somehow I survived them all. And please don’t say my life is charmed — a charmed life should never come this close to death.
    And there are just the physical things. I’ve also had experiences on LSD that were “out of this world”; but I came back from them too.
    But so far I haven’t been captured by aliens. Must be because there are no aliens, at least not around here…

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      1. I’ve used up at least 8 of them, which is why we have five cats (not really, but just pretending) — it gives me 37 more lives to play with.


  3. Honestly, I don’t know.

    I sometimes think about how often we walk right by truly bad people without having an inkling as to their darkest desires. Serial killers, rapists, Republicans. It’s unnerving. Who’s to say there wasn’t a moment where I was in the crosshairs – maybe not literally, but at least figuratively? – of someone who wanted to do me harm?

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Well… I’ve been shot at, gun and bow and arrow… Been kicked at by an over enthusiastic horse but she missed…

    None of it ever felt like I was in mortal danger but I compartmentalize well…

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Yes..i recounted a near death experience when I was 18 and working a roller coaster and fell between the brake lines and the track while a car was going around the track

    Liked by 1 person

  6. If you had asked me this right after we deplaned in NY on our trip there 12 years ago, I would have said yes. Worst turbulence ever. My 2.5-month Outward Bound course had some pretty hairy moments – nearly stepped on a rattlesnake, skirted a ledge with a heavy pack on where one wrong move would have meant a bad fall. Hard to say if these things would have killed me, but they might have.


  7. Born with a Metabolic Disorder. Almost died as a baby. Lived on a formula for 13-16 years. Oldest Survivor.
    Almost got hit by a car while running across a busy street when young.
    Also, the time a bf and I were in the mountains and he made a turn that took us to the edge of a cliff while in our car.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hit by a taxi when I was about 6 and supposedly flew up in the air, but didn’t even go to hospital. Got chased around the classroom by a classmate with scissors on the last day of primary school (12 yrs old). Everyone had left but the student teacher who was as terrified as me. A guy tried to have his way with me at someones house when I was 16. Luckily I was fit and fought him off for what seemed like hours and he wasn’t a large man otherwise he would have succeeded in permanently silencing my screams with the pillow he held over my face. Probably too much information but it explains a lot!

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  9. That mud can be quite dangerous, so give yourself a mortal danger gold star (yay?). I’ve probably been almost hit by a car in every single decade. Flipped a car three times while on the interstate and not a scratch. And when I met my future husband and rode in his Mustang Cobra, I literally braced myself on the dash and screamed, “We’re gonna die!” more than once. (He swears I was kidding.)

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