

Our rhododendrons finally popped.



At least on the front side where my husband didn’t butcher them with the shears.



For a sheer burst of color they’re hard to beat.



And I’m not the only one who loves them.



Giant bumblebees swarm ever them all day long…



And it does my heart good to see their little legs covered in pollen.



Long live the bees!





21 thoughts on “Rhodies”

  1. I’ve never seen a bee that close you can see the pollen on it’s legs, wow! We have a huge hive of bees in the back of our building here on campus. The landscapers don’t bother them they just work around the bush they are situated at. You can see them just flying in and out all day long and they also have a ton of honey in that there hive!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You do realize you posted rdod8is and bees on June 15th, last year. I’m not going to look before that, but if they open up this close to the same day every year — where are they hiding the cslendar?

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