Work continues… slowly.


When my husband first started tearing down the old porch he hoped to save some of the original frame.



Some of the original wood came off easily, some required gentle coercion.



I’m not quite sure what went on here…



When my husband is working a project, I find it safer not to ask.



New framing meets old.



In jigsaw like pieces apparently.



Lord Dudley Mountcatten has been very curious where all the noise is coming from, so I took him out for a stroll to check the progress.



Naturally he found the old dryer vent hole and had to investigate.


22 thoughts on “Work continues… slowly.”

    1. Years ago, my wife and I used a leash on our kitten as we walked around our neighnourhood. We started him early, so he didn’t know the difference. But when he was about three, he started wanting to explore more thoroughly, so he started refusing the leash. We thought it best if he stayed at home while we walkedif he wasn’t on the leash, but he didn’t like that idea either. In self-defence we took him on a walk around the block, and while it took a bit longer he mostly kept pace with us, unless there was something really interesting. Then we stood and waited for him and before long he would run past us to let us know he was ready to move on. Eventually he also learned about crossing streets with us. If he was in the lead he would wait at the corner, and if we were in the lead he would run to catch up until we were safely across the interection.
      We never tried this with any of our other cats, but he was very responsible, and we three went for walks every day we could.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. When Gail was looking at hubby’s project, she was jealous. I’m not into anything like that.

    But then she asked, “Why isn’t he using pressure-trested lumber?”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That is quite the project. I know he makes you crazy, but how nice is it to have a man who can do Man Things? Very nice!

    I wonder if the Lord sniffed any old toys in the vent?

    Liked by 1 person

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