Because Boothbay Harbor is always a good idea…


On a beautiful summer day, I like to head for the coast.



And my coast of choice is usually Boothbay Harbor.



Traditionally it was a fishing village….



Now it’s tourist heaven.



But it’s still beautiful and I still love it.



The footbridge had a facelift, so we strolled across.



Boothbay is one of those places you just need to stand still…



And say ahh….




It’s quintessentially Maine.



And even with wind blown hair…



It makes me smile.


18 thoughts on “Because Boothbay Harbor is always a good idea…”

  1. Wind blown hair is gorgeous!!

    I wanted to go whale watching this weekend but it was the first hot day at the beach, all schools are out, and father’s day weekend = parking nightmare, so I changed my mind.

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