Tag Archives: fast cars

Let’s play.


Not everyone will be able to participate in this game, but you can always stick around to read the comments.



1976 Plymouth Fury. She wasn’t pretty…



But she was a behemoth with a powerful V-8.

I was 16, dating a much older man who drove me and my girlfriends around whenever we wanted to drink and get loud. Looking back, it wasn’t exactly kosher…. but not much of my teenage years was.

We had the radio cranked up, flying down some long deserted country road we’d never travelled before. My guy was driving dangerously fast, not that we realized it at the time… and then poof. The road disappeared from under us as we crested a hill we didn’t know was there.

Airborne? You betcha. We landed with a thud, broke the frame of the car and were damned lucky we lived to tell the tale.

I saw the speedometer reach 115+ … so I’m counting it.

How about you?
