Tag Archives: gas prices

My solution for high gas prices.


I think we’re allshocked when we pull our cars up to the pump these days. And while I’m lucky enough to drive a vehicle that gets good gas mileage, I almost fainted when my husband filled his old as Methuselah new truck the other day. Dual tanks? We may have to remortgage the house.

So in the spirit of giving… because that’s just who I am… I bring you a tried and true solution to saving money at the pumps.



Economical, low emission and environmentally friendly.

You’re welcome.


A little bit of nothing much.


As if cats aren’t goofy enough, there’s this…



Weed bubbles? Lord Dudley Mountcatten gets crazy on catnip as it is, I have no desire to up the ante.



A friend of ours just drove his RV down to Florida. It almost bankrupted him.



Seriously? I could barely fit my luggage in there.



There are lots of horrible things to see on the internet, This ranks right near the top.

So wrong.





While there’s nothing at all funny about the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine or the atrocities being committed by Vladimir Putin, the following things made me smile and I’m going to share them. No snide political comments necessary.



I wouldn’t doubt this one bit.



I’ll drink to that. Cheers!



And while I know these little symbols of support do nothing to help the poor people of Ukraine, it is nice to see the world united for a change.



Even the famous Boston ducks are on board.



And yes, I bitch about gas prices like the rest of us.



But when you put it in perspective, if it would help the Ukrainians… instead of lining the pockets of greedy oil companies we already subsidize… I would gladly pay $10 a gallon.
