Tag Archives: mortal danger

Let’s play.


It’s as easy as answering a question.



Thinking about my answer to this question, I realize I’ve lead a charmed life.

My childhood was innocent and idyllic with two loving and supportive parents.

My adolescence was a little wild, but I always knew right from wrong and when too much was too much.

My married life started at age 20 and continues 40 years later, well loved and well cared for.

I have never been to war, been assaulted or been in a bad car accident. I have never had serious physical health issues and my mental state is stable. (Though some might disagree)

Mortal danger?

The closest I can come is being stuck in river mud up to my chest when I was 10 years old. I crossed what I thought was a dry creek bed when my mother wasn’t looking and got seriously stuck. Every time I tried to move I sunk further down and my mother… ever useless in a crisis… just screamed hysterically from the bank. Thankfully some local college guys came to my rescue with picnic blankets tied together like rope. I remember being freaked out, not to mention filthy… but mortal danger might be stretching it.

Of course my husband drives like a raped ape and some say I take my life in my hands every time I get in his car… so there is that.

How about you?

How close have you come to mortal danger.
