Tag Archives: overcharging

Nothing to fee but the fees themselves.


I live in Maine and I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say we hate CMP. Central Maine Power is the primary electric company in my area and if you want to start a bar fight? Loudly state how much you admire them.

Prices rise on what seems to be a daily basis and every time a wombat sneezes in Australia? Our power is knocked out.



This does not endear the company to the natives and the fact that everyone’s bill will be going up by 1/3rd starting in February… guarantees I’m going to be one very angry native.



Of course CMP has sent extremely polite letters to all their customers stating it’s not their fault, that they only deliver the power and we should be mad at the suppliers instead. But the last bill I received looked a lot like this…



So as far as I’m concerned CMP can suck it.


P.S. Just received my new bill. It went from $216 to $324. As predicted, I am not happy.
